About SaskLightning
The lightning detector used by SaskLightning is manufactured by Boltek and is the StormTracker PCI model.
Boltek StormTracker PCI Lightning Detection System
StormTracker works by detecting the radio signals produced by lightning. These are the same signals you can hear on an AM radio during a thunderstorm. StormTracker's direction-finding antenna provides direction information while storm distance is calculated from received signal strength.
The accuracy of a Boltek detector is determined by many factors - placement of the detector, electromagnetic interference, distance from strokes, storm intensity, etc. Out to about 400Km, a Boltek detector is surprisingly accurate. Beyond that, it can sense direction and intensity but usually gets distance incorrect.
SaskLightning also has an LD-250 model. The LD-250 lightning detection system can be used in a portable or mobile setup.
Boltek LD-250 Lightning Detector
SaskLightning recommends the PCI version as the primary detector unless mobility/portability is critical.
The software used to display the lightning strike data and to upload the data to this website is NexStorm™ by Astrogenic Systems. NexStorm™ is a Microsoft® Windows® lightning detection interface application for the Boltek™ Corporation line of lightning detectors.
NexStorm™ seamlessly combines advanced analysis and display features with Internet integration and interprocess communication functionality in ways that makes this application not only unique, but also the most versatile and flexible software package for lightning detection that you will find.
StormVue™ is a web based NexStorm™ companion application written in Java™ (also known as a Java applet), created with the objective of optimized near real-time display of locally captured lightning data on the Internet or a LAN.
SaskLightning is a member of the StrikeStar™ US Networked Lightning Locator System.
What is StrikeStar™?
StrikeStar™ is a client/server system, exclusively designed for the NexStorm™ software and Boltek hardware. StrikeStar™ allows multiple, standalone lightning detectors to form a real-time lightning locator network with much better positional accuracy.
StrikeStar™ is a public, large scale and community based lightning detection network that we have made available as a unique added-value program for users of our NexStorm™ software.
Who develops StrikeStar™?
StrikeStar is developed by Astrogenic Systems. We are specialized in making software for single antenna lightning detection and affordable, lightning-centric early warning and analysis systems. Visit our web site for more information.
Quick Links
- Env. Canada - Lightning Safety
- EC - Emergency Pocket Guide
- NexLab Satellite & Radar
- Weather Network - Saskatoon
- LightningMaps.org
- EC - Warnings
Search CYXE Radar-EchoTop
Not to be used for the protection of life & property
Seek proper shelter well in advance of approaching lightning whenever possible. It is important to remember that thunderstorms can develop quickly and with little warning. Lightning can be present in significant amounts even when NexStorm is not tracking any structured thunderstorms.
Environment Canada has a good page discussing lightning safety. A link to this page is provided under Quick Links to the left. They also have a pdf document available discussing Severe Summer Weather. I highly recommend you read that document.