Welcome to SaskLightning!

MAY 2024. The Computer that runs the SaskLightning detector has still not been replaced and is failing. The detector will be on sporadically until it is replaced. LightningMaps.org in the quick links below can be used as an alternative to view nearby light strikes.

SaskLightning is one of three single antenna Boltek lightning detectors in Saskatchewan and is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

The SaskLightning lightning detector uses a directional antenna to pick up the radio signal from lightning. The strength of that signal is used to estimate the distance from the detector to the lightning strike. Software is then used to display the strike on a map and to upload the strike data to this website.

To view lightning across the Canadian Prairies, choose one of the lightning viewers by clicking on the Lightning Viewers menu at the top of this page.

SaskLightning Thunderstorm Mini Report

The Thunderstorm Report is 11152 hr 54 min old but should be no more than 15 minutes old
The detector appears to be OFFLINE
Detector OFFLINE for extended periods Oct - April

Not to be used for the protection of life & property

SaskLightning cannot guarantee the accuracy of the lightning detector. The accuracy of a Boltek detector is determined by many factors - placement of the detector, electromagnetic interference, distance from strokes, storm intensity, etc. Out to about 400Km, a Boltek detector is surprisingly accurate. Beyond that, it can sense direction and intensity but usually gets distance incorrect.

Seek proper shelter well in advance of approaching lightning whenever possible. It is important to remember that thunderstorms can develop quickly and with little warning. Lightning can be present in significant amounts even when NexStorm is not tracking any structured thunderstorms.

Environment Canada has a good page discussing lightning safety. A link to this page is provided under Quick Links to the left. They also have a pdf document available discussing Severe Summer Weather. I highly recommend you read that document.